Experience and faith 2 Samuel 17:33-37

36 Your servant has killed both the lion and the bear; this uncircumcised Philistine will be like one of them, because he has defied the armies of the living God.

When Israelites were in fear of seeing the huge Goliath, little David showed up to Saul and said that he will kill this Philistine.

To Saul who couldn’t believe in David, David told him that he protected his sheep through killing lions and bears. Likewise, David had the experience of protecting his sheep.

And he had the faith that God who saved him from lion and bear would save him from the hands of Goliath as well.

The one God uses is the one who is prepared with his own efforts and the faith of relying on God.

Therefore, train yourself for the expansion of God’s kingdom. Fully rely on God who will make you victorious.

Shalom and God bless!

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